Texans for Texas Holdem is an organization comprised of dedicated poker players and owners of social poker clubs who are committed to promoting and protecting the thriving poker community in Texas.
We believe that poker is more than just a game – it’s a crucial part of the fabric of Texas culture. The current laws of Texas need updating to uphold this fabric, we are communicating the need to clarify these laws to legislators and other stakeholders.
What Are Social Poker Clubs?
Social poker clubs in Texas are members-only businesses that provide the safest option for legal Texas Hold’em card games to over 300,000 registered Texan club members
The 75+ social poker clubs currently operating in the state employ more than 3,000 Texans with well-paying jobs. These clubs annually raise money and host tournaments for local charities such as food banks, Toys for Tots, and Operation Blue Santa.
Special events at Texas social poker clubs bring thousands of visitors to the state each year, bolstering local economies and tax revenues. Additionally, poker players who would move or travel out of state to play now opt to stay put in the great state of Texas.
The Need for Clarity
The Texas Penal Code Chapter 47.02.b specifically provides a defense to prosecution for gambling offenses and for keeping a gambling place.
The current problem is the language in the penal code states these guidelines as a “defense to prosecution”. This makes it very difficult for business owners of social poker clubs to operate as the burden of proof of legality lies on them.
To summarize the Texas penal code chapter on gaming prosecution, the social poker clubs operate strictly under 3 guidelines:
TX PENAL CODE CH47.02(B)(1-3)
1. The game(s) take place in a private place.
Social poker clubs are members only clubs that charge monthly and yearly membership options to join and access the club
2. The business does not participate in the profits or losses from the game.
The penal code states that no person can receive economic benefit from the game other than personal winnings. Texas social poker clubs do not rake the pot. Only the players at the table participate in any economic benefit from the games played. Texas social poker clubs maintain their revenue from membership & club access fees.
3. Only skill-based games of poker are allowed. No casino-based games of chance.
Texas social poker clubs only allow legal games of poker. They do not allow casino-based table games such as blackjack, roulette, craps.
Social poker club owners and operators are facing unfair harassment to business expansion and growth as these 3 guidelines are being interpreted differently across the state by city and county officials.
Industry Leaders & Goals
Some of the top industry leaders representing clubs in Austin, Dallas, Round Rock, Rio Grande Valley, & San Antonio have joined together in an alliance to clarify the statute during the 88th Texas Legislative session with the following goal: Bring Clarity to the Guidelines of the Texas Penal Code
If you love poker and want to support the future of the game in Texas, we invite you to join us. Together, we can make sure that Texas Hold’Em remains a beloved part of our state’s culture for generations to come.
-Texas Card House
-The Lodge Card Club
-SA Card House
-Champions Card House